About Us

With the invention of the chirped pulse amplification (CPA) technology more than 10 years ago, a new generation of lasers appear. Based on this technology, people are now capable of dealing with lasers which can deliver laser pulses at a duration of a few laser cycles (several femtoseconds), at a petawatt level, and over the intensity 1020 W/cm2. The studies of laser interaction with matter by use of ultra-short intense lasers have attracted great interest world wide, partially because this kind of lasers can be built within a small dimension and at a reasonable cost. Numerous of applications have been proposed based upon these studies.
The group on high field laser physics at the Institute of Physics, CAS, was establish in 1999. Our research includes advanced scheme of laser fusion, novel laser-driven THz radiation and applications, Laser-driven ultrafast X-ray dynamics user beamline, Ultrafast electron diffraction user beamline and Laboratory astrophysical processes.
本研究组由张杰院士创建于1999年,2006年张杰院士任上海交通大学校长之后,由李玉同研究员担任组长。团队主要研究超快超强激光和物质相互作用、高能量密度物理前沿问题。在中关村园区和怀柔园区分别建设了20太瓦、1拍瓦飞秒强激光装置、多功能靶先进实验平台,开发了多个大型数值模拟程序。实验和理论相结合, 对激光核聚变新方案、新型超快辐射源及其应用、实验室天体物理等若干前沿问题进行了深入研究,取得了系列原创性成果。

Jie Zhang and Yutong Li

Group Leader for High Field Physics