鲁欣 (Xin Lu)
Associate Professor
Laboratory of Optical Physics,
Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
P. O. Box 603 (33)
Beijing 100190, P. R. China
Fax: 010-82649356
Email: luxin@iphy.ac.cn
Research experience and interests
1990-1991 Moscow State University, Preparatory Department.
1991-1997 Moscow State University, Physics Department, Master
1997-2000 Moscow State University, Physics Department, Ph.D
2000-2002 Institute of physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Postdoctoral fellow.
Since 2002 Institute of physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Associate research professor.
Main research field:
Nonlinear propagation of intense femtosecond laser pulse, Laser propulsion.
Representative works:
Optimization simulations of drive pulse configuration were performed for transient collisional Ne-like and Ni-like x-rya lasers; kilometer range light filamentation was observed by lunching femtosecond laser pulse to the atmosphere; the interaction of the two light filaments, such as attraction, fusion, repulsion, and spiral propagation was firstly investigated by numerical simulation; the momentum transfer and the specific impulse of nanosecond laser pulse irradiation on solid targets are investigated, the specific impulse much higher than the chemical rocket was realized.
Selected publications
- Ting-Ting Xi, Xin Lu, and Jie Zhang, “Interaction of Light Filaments Generated by Femtosecond Laser Pulses in Air”, Physical Review Letters 96, 025003 (2006).
- Yuan-Yuan Ma, Xin Lu, Ting-Ting Xi, Qi-Huang Gong, and Jie Zhang, “Widening of Long-range femtosecond laser filaments in turbulent air”, Optics Express 16, 8832 (2008).
- Xin Lu, Ying-jun Li, and Jie Zhang,“Transient characteristics of a neon-like x-ray laser at 19.6 nm”,Physics of Plasmas 9, 1412 (2002).
- X. Lu, Y. J. Li, Y. Cang, K. Li, and J. Zhang, “Simulation study of a Ne-like Ti x-ray laser at 32.6 nm driven by femtosecond laser pulses”, Physical Review A 67, 013810 (2003).
- X. Lu, J. Y. Zhong, Y. J. Li, J. Zhang, “Numerical optimization of a picosecond pulse driven Ni-like Nb x-ray laser at 20.3 nm”, Physics of Plasmas 10, 2978 (2003).