鲁欣  (Xin Lu)

  • Associate Professor
    Laboratory of Optical Physics,
    Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
    P. O. Box 603 (33)
    Beijing 100190, P. R. China
    Fax: 010-82649356
    Email: luxin@iphy.ac.cn

Research experience and interests

1990-1991 Moscow State University, Preparatory Department.
1991-1997 Moscow State University, Physics Department, Master
1997-2000 Moscow State University, Physics Department, Ph.D
2000-2002 Institute of physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Postdoctoral fellow.
Since 2002 Institute of physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Associate research professor.

Main research field:
Nonlinear propagation of intense femtosecond laser pulse, Laser propulsion.

Representative works:
Optimization simulations of drive pulse configuration were performed for transient collisional Ne-like and Ni-like x-rya lasers; kilometer range light filamentation was observed by lunching femtosecond laser pulse to the atmosphere; the interaction of the two light filaments, such as attraction, fusion, repulsion, and spiral propagation was firstly investigated by numerical simulation; the momentum transfer and the specific impulse of nanosecond laser pulse irradiation on solid targets are investigated, the specific impulse much higher than the chemical rocket was realized.

Selected publications

  1. Ting-Ting Xi, Xin Lu, and Jie Zhang, “Interaction of Light Filaments Generated by Femtosecond Laser Pulses in Air”, Physical Review Letters 96, 025003 (2006).
  2. Yuan-Yuan Ma, Xin Lu, Ting-Ting Xi, Qi-Huang Gong, and Jie Zhang, “Widening of Long-range femtosecond laser filaments in turbulent air”, Optics Express 16, 8832 (2008).
  3. Xin Lu, Ying-jun Li, and Jie Zhang,“Transient characteristics of a neon-like x-ray laser at 19.6 nm”,Physics of Plasmas 9, 1412 (2002).
  4. X. Lu, Y. J. Li, Y. Cang, K. Li, and J. Zhang, “Simulation study of a Ne-like Ti x-ray laser at 32.6 nm driven by femtosecond laser pulses”, Physical Review A 67, 013810 (2003).
  5. X. Lu, J. Y. Zhong, Y. J. Li, J. Zhang, “Numerical optimization of a picosecond pulse driven Ni-like Nb x-ray laser at 20.3 nm”, Physics of Plasmas 10, 2978 (2003).