1. Plasma Currents and Electron Distribution Functions under a dc Electric Field of Arbitrary Strength
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  2. Study of X-Ray Emission Enhancement via a High-Contrast Femtosecond Laser Interacting with a Solid Foil
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  3. Generating High-Current Monoenergetic Proton Beams by a Circularly Polarized Laser Pulse in the Phase-Stable Acceleration Regime
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  4. Near-Complete Absorption of Intense, Ultrashort Laser Light by Sub-λ Gratings
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  5. Effect of target shape on fast electron emission in femtosecond laser-plasma interactions,YT Li, MH Xu, XH Yuan, WM Wang, M Chen, ZY Zheng, ZM Sheng, QZ Yu, Y Zhang, F Liu, Z Jin, ZH Wang, Z.Y Wei, W Zhao and J Zhang,
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  6. Spatiotemporal moving focus of long femtosecond-laser filaments in air,TT Xi, X Lu and J Zhang ,
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  7. Single-cycle powerful megawatt to gigawatt terahertz pulse radiated from a wavelength-scale plasma oscillator, HC Wu, ZM Sheng, and J Zhang,Phys. Rev. E 77, 046405 (2008).
  8. Effect of laser parameters on electron injection into laser wakefields in plasma with a counterpropagating additional laser pulse,WM Wang and ZM Sheng,Phys. Plasmas 15, 013101 (2008)
  9. A model for the efficient coupling between intense lasers and subwavelength grating targets,WM Wang, ZM Sheng and J Zhang,Phys. Plasmas 15, 030702 (2008)
  10. Multipeak emission of the fast electron beams along the target surface in ultrashort laser interaction with solid targets,XH Yuan, YT Li, MH Xu, ZY Zheng, M Chen, WX Liang, QZ Yu, Y Zhang, F Liu, J. Bernhardt, SJ Wang, ZH Wang, ZY Wei , W Zhao and J Zhang,Phys. Plasmas 15, 013106 (2008)
  11. Phase space modulation of laser produced protons with a double-foil target generation of quasimonoenergetic proton beams,J Zheng, Kunioki Mima, ZM Sheng and YT Li,Phys. Plasmas 15, 053106 (2008)
  12. Experimental evidence and theoretical analysis of photoionized plasma under x-ray radiation produced by an intense laser,FL Wang, Shinsuke Fujioka, Hiroaki Nishimura, Daiji Kato, YT Li, G Zhao, J Zhang and Hideaki Takabe,Phys. Plasmas 15, 073108 (2008)
  13. Kinetic theory on the current-filamentation instability in collisional plasmas,B Hao, ZM Sheng, and J Zhang,Phys. Plasmas 15, 082112 (2008)
  14. Transmitted laser propulsion in confined geometry using liquid propellant,Y Zhang, X Lu, ZY Zheng, F Liu, PF Zhu, HM Li, YT Li, YJ Li and J Zhang,Appl. Phys. A 91, 357 (2008)
  15. Spectral dynamics studies on the supercontinuum channel of femtosecond laser pulses propagation in air,YQ liu, J Zhang, Z Jin, ZQ Hao, Z Zhang and ZH Wang,Appl. Phys. B 92, 153 (2008)
  16. Filamentation of interacting femtosecond laser pulses in air,YY Ma, X Lu, TT Xi, QH Gong and J Zhang,Appl. Phys. B 93, 463(2008)
  17. Electronic Grüneisen parameter and thermal expansion in ferromagnetic transition metal,Xuan Wang, Shouhua Nie, Junjie Li, Richard Clinite, Mark Wartenbe, Marcia Martin, Wenxi Liang and Jianming Cao,Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 121918 (2008)
  18. Controlled electron injection into laser wakefields with a perpendicular injection laser pulse,WM Wang, ZM Sheng, and J Zhang,Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, 201502 (2008)
  19. Ponderomotive scattering of electrons and its application to measure the pulse duration of ultrafast electron beams,YQ Liu, J Zhang, HC Wu and ZM Sheng,J. Appl. Phys. 103, 044905 (2008)
  20. Widening of Long-range femtosecond laser filaments in turbulent air,YY Ma, X Lu, TT Xi, QH Gong and J Zhang,Opt. Express 16, 8332 (2008)
  21. Effective fast electron acceleration along the target surface,XH Yuan, YT Li, MH Xu, ZY Zheng, QZ Yu, WX Liang, Y Zhang, F Liu, Jens Bernhardt, SJ Wang, ZH Wang, WJ Ling, ZY Wei, W Zhao and J Zhang,Opt. Express 16, 81 (2008)
  22. X-ray lasers from Inner-shell transitions pumped by the Free-electron laser,J Zhao, QL Dong, SJ Wang, L Zhang and J Zhang,Opt. Express 16,3546 (2008)
  23. Strong terahertz pulse generation by chirped laser pulses in tenuous gases,WM Wang, ZM Sheng, HC Wu, M Chen, C Li, J Zhang, and K Mima,Opt. Express 16, 16999 (2008)
  24. Absorption and second harmonic emission from interaction of femtosecond laser pulses with microspherical droplets,YQ Liu, J Zhang, ZM Sheng, XY Peng and Z Jin,Opt. Commun. 281, 1244 (2008)
  25. Stochastic heating and acceleration of electrons by high-intensity lasers in inhomogeneous plasmas,H Xu, ZM Sheng, J Zhang and XT He,Phys. Scr. 77 , 045502 (2008)
  26. Ion acceleration in the interaction of an intense laser pulse with structured plasma”, M A Barr, M Chen, WM Wang, YT Li, MQ He, ZM Sheng, J Zhang, Phys. Scripta 77, 065502 (2008).
  27. High-Mach number collisionless shock and photo-ionized non-LTE plasma for laboratory,astrophysics with intense lasers,H Takabe, T N Kato, Y Sakawa, Y Kuramitsu, T Morita, T Kadono, K Shigemori, K Otani, H Nagatomo, T Norimatsu, S Dono, T Endo, K Miyanishi, T Kimura, A Shiroshita, N Ozaki, R Kodama, S Fujioka, H Nishimura, D Salzman, B Loupias, C Gregory, M Koenig, J N Waugh, N C Woolsey, D Kato, YT Li, QL Dong, SJWang, Y Zhang, J Zhao, FL Wang, HG Wei, JR Shi, G Zhao, JY Zhang, TS Wen, WH Zhang, X Hu, SY Liu, Y K Ding, L Zhang, YJ Tang, BH Zhang, ZJ Zheng, ZM Sheng and J Zhang,Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 50,124057 (2008)
  28. Simulation of high power THz emission from laser interaction with tenuous plasma and gas targets”, ZM Sheng, HC Wu, WM Wang, M Chen, XG Dong, J Zheng, and J Zhang, Comm. Comp. Phys. 4, 1258 (2008).
  29. Two dimensional hydrodynamic characteristics of x-ray lasers plasmas,T Cheng, YJ Li, LM Meng and J Zhang,Europhysics letter 84 45001 (2008)
  30. High gain inner-shell x-ray lasers pumped by X-ray Free-electron laser system FLASH in DESY,J Zhao, QL Dong, SJ Wang, L Zhang and J Zhang,Journal of Physics: Conference Series 112, 042054 (2008)
  31. Inverse bremsstrahlung absorption with full electron-electron collisions operator, SM Weng, ZM Sheng, J Zhang, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 112, 022039 (2008)
  32. Intense laser-driven electrostatic shocks and its acceleration of ions in overdense plasmas,QL Dong, M Chen, MQ He, ZM Sheng, SM Weng, HC Wu, and J Zhang,Journal of Physics: Conference Series 112, 042032 (2008)
  33. Multi-peak emission of the fast electron beams along the target surface in ultrashort laser interaction with solid targets, XH Yuan, YT Li, MH Xu, ZY Zheng, M Chen, WX Liang, QZ Yu, Y Zhang, F Liu, J Bernhardt, SJ Wang, ZY Wei, W Zhao, J Zhang, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 112, 022057 (2008)
  34. Focusing of relativistic electron beams by a solid cone, M Chen, ZM Sheng, YY Ma, YT Li, XH Yuan, J Zhang, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 112, 022060 (2008)
  35. Recent progress in high field physics research at the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, J Zhang, ZY Wei, ZM Sheng, YT Li, X Lu, QL Dong, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 112, 022079 (2008)
  36. Fast electron transport in high-intensity laser-plasma interactions diagnosed by optical and ion emission, YT Li, XH Yuan, MH Xu, QZ Yu, SJ Wang, GC Wang, XL Wen, CY Jiao, YL He, YQ Gu, WZ Huang, ZJ Zhen, BH Zhang, W Zhao, J Zhang, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 112, 022081 (2008)
  37. Effect of target shape on fast electron emission, YT Li, MH Xu, XH Yuan, M Chen, ZY Zheng, ZM Sheng, YY Ma, WX Liang, QZ Yu, Y Zhang, F Liu, Z Jin, ZH Wang, ZY Wei, W Zhao, J Zhang, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 112, 022092 (2008)
  38. Study of Cu Kα emission from frequency doubled intense femtosecond laser-plasma interactions, XX Lin, LM Chen, YT Li, MH Xu, XH Yuan, F Liu, Y Zhang, HM Li, ZH Wang, F Liu, ZY Wei, W Zhao, M Kando, S Bulanov, T Tajima, J Zhang, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 112, 022094 (2008)
  39. Charge-state distribution in a photoionized laser-produced plasma, FL Wang, Shinsuke Fujioka, Hiroaki Nishimura, Daiji Kato, YT Li, Gang Zhao, Jie Zhang, Hideaki Takabe, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 112, 042004 (2008)
  40. Absorption spectra measurements of the x-ray radiation heated SiO2 aerogel plasma in “ dog-bone” targets irradiated by high power laser pulses, Y Zhang, QL Dong, SJ Wang, YT Li, J Zhang, HG Wei, JR Shi, G Zhao, JY Zhang, TS Wen, WH Zhang, X Hu, SY Liu, TK Ding, L Zhang, TJ Tang, BH Zhang, ZJ Zheng, Hiroaki Nishimura, Shinsuke Fujioka, Hideaki Takabe, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 112, 042005 (2008)
  41. Theoretical investigation on novel particle beams and radiation sources in relativistic laser-solid interactions, ZM Sheng, YY Ma, M Chen, MQ He, H Xu, HC Wu, WM Wang, XG Dong, SM Weng, QL Dong, YT Li, ZY Wei, J Zhang, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 112, 042030 (2008)
  42. Stochastic heating and acceleration of electrons by high intensity lasers in inhomogeneous plasmas, H Xu, ZM Sheng, J Zhang, XT He, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 112, 042045 (2008)
  43. Effects of laser and plasma parameters on shock wave generation and acceleration of protons, MQ He, QL Dong, ZM Sheng, SM Weng, M Chen, HC Wu, J Zhang, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 112, 042046 (2008)
  44. The lasing temporal characteristics of Ni-like Mo x-ray lasers at 18.9 nm driven by a grazing incidence pumping scheme, SJ Wang, QL Dong, J Zhao, L Zhang, J Zhang, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 112, 042055 (2008)
  45. Powerful THz source based on laser wakefields, HC Wu, ZM Sheng, J Zhang, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 112, 042067 (2008)
  46. Application of laser Plasma in propulsion, ZY Zheng, Y Zhang, PF Zhu, F Liu, X Lu, YT Li, J Zhang, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 112, 042076 (2008)
  47. Spectral control in quasi-monoenergetic proton generation with double foil target, J Zheng, Kunioki Mima, ZM Sheng, YT Li, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 112, 042035 (2008)
  48. Opacity Studies of Silicon in Radiatively Heated Plasma, HG Wei, JR Shi, G Zhao, Y Zhang, QL Dong, YT Li, SJ Wang, J Zhang, ZT Liang, JY Zhang, TS Wen, WH Zhang, X Hu, SY Liu, YK Ding, L Zhang, YJ Tang, BH Zhang, ZJ Zheng, Hiroaki Nishimura, Shinsuke Fujioka, FL Wang, Hideaki Takabe, Astrophysical Journal, Astrophysical Journal, 683, 577 (2008)
  49. Electron acceleration based on an elongated plasma channel,LM Chen, K. Nakajima, W. Hong, T. Kameshima, JF Hua, H. Kotaki, K. Sugiyama, XL Wen, YC Wu, CM Tang, YQ Gu, HS Peng, S.Kurokawa, J. Koga, S. V. Bulanov, T. Tajima,IEEE Trans. On Plasmas Sci. 36(4), 1734(2008)
  50. Soft X-Ray Spectroscopy of Highly Charged Silicon Ions in Dense Plasmas,GY Liang, G Zhao, JY Zhong, YT Li, YQ Liu, QL Dong, XH Yuan, Z Jin, and J Zhang,Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 177 326 (2008)
  51. Design of Highly Directive Ni-Like Ag X-Ray Laser at 13.9nm,J Zhao, QL Dong, SJ Wang, L Zhang, J Zhang,Chinese Phys. Lett. 25, 2870(2008)
  52. Mono-Energetic Proton Beam Acceleration in Laser Foil-Plasma Interactions”, XQ Yan, BC Liu, ZH He, ZM Sheng, ZY Guo, YR Lu, JX Fang, JE Chen,Chin. Phys. Lett. 25, 3330 (2008).
  53. Influence of Initial Pulse Chirp on Rainbow-Like Supercontinuum Generation from Filamentation in Air, ZQ Hao, J Zhang, Z Zhang, X Lu, Z Jin, JY Zhong, YQ Liu, ZH Wang, Chin. Phys. Lett. 25, 1365 (2008).
  54. Numerical study of the Ne-like Cr x-ray laser at 28.6nm,J Zhao, QL Dong, SJ Wang, L Zhagn, and J Zhang,Chinese Phys. B. 17, 2517(2008)
  55. 均匀等离子体光栅的色散特性研究,於陆勒,盛政明,张杰,物理学报,10,6457-6464 (2008)
  56. 激光尾波场加速器中反向注入激光脉冲参数对电子注入的影响”, 王伟民, 盛政明, 科学通报 53(12) 1370 (2008).
  57. 磁化非均匀等离子体中的THz辐射研究, 董晓刚, 盛政明, 武慧春, 张 杰, 科学通报 53 (12), 1361-1365 (2008).
  58. 激光引雷研究中的若干基础物理问题, 鲁欣,张喆,郝作强,王兆华,魏志义,江秀臣,张杰,高电压技术 34,2059 (2008)
  59. Laser mode effects on the ion acceleration during circularly polarized laser pulse interaction with foil targets, M. Chen, A. Pukhov, Z. M. Sheng, and X. Q. Yan, Phys. Plasmas, 15, 113103 (2008).