1. Concurrence of monoenergetic electron beams and bright X-rays from an evolving laser-plasma bubble, Wenchao Yan, Liming Chen, Dazhang Li, Lu Zhang, Nasr A. M. Hafz, James Dunn, Yong Ma, Kai Huang, Luning Su, Min Chen, Zhengming Sheng, and Jie Zhang, PNAS 111 (16),(2014), 5825-5830
  2. Tunable Mega-Ampere Electron Current Propagation in Solids by Dynamic Control of Lattice Melt, D. A. MacLellan, D. C. Carroll, R. J. Gray, N. Booth, M. Burza, M. P. Desjarlais, F.Du, D. Neely, H.W. Powell, A. P. L. Robinson, G. G. Scott, X. H. Yuan, C.-G. Wahlström, and P. McKenna, Physical Review Letters 113, 185001 (2014)
  3. Simultaneous generation of quasi-monoenergetic electron and betatron X-rays from nitrogen gas via ionization injection , K Huang, DZ Li, WC Yan, MH Li, M Z Tao, ZY Chen, XL Ge, F Liu, Y Ma, J R Zhao, N M Hafz, J Zhang, and LM Chen, Applied Physics Letters 105, (2014), 204101(1-4)
  4. Diagnosis of bubble evolution in laser-wakefield acceleration via angular distributions of betatron x-rays, Y Ma, LM Chen, N.A.M. Hafz, DZ Li, K Huang, WC Yan, J Dunn, Z M Sheng, and J Zhang, Applied Physics Letters 105, (2014), 161110(1-4)
  5. Strong, tunable terahertz emission by two-color picosecond laser irradiation, W.M. Wang, P. Gibbon, Z.M.Sheng, and Y.T. Li, Physical Review A 90, (2014), 023808(1-5).
  6. Population transfer to supercritical bound states during pair creation, Y. Liu, M. Jiang, Q. Z. Lv, Y. T. Li, R. Grobe, and Q. Su1, Physical Review A 89, (2014), 012127(1-11).
  7. Instantaneous rest-frame transformation method for temporally induced pair creation, Q. Z. Lv, A. Vikartofsky, S. Norris, Y. J. Li, R. Wagner, Q. Su, and R. Grobe, Physical Review A 89, (2014), 042105(1-12)
  8. Degeneracies of discrete and continuum states with the Dirac sea in the pair-creation process, Q. Z. Lv, Y. Liu, Y. J. Li, R. Grobe, and Q. Su, Physical Review A 90, (2014), 013405(1-10)
  9. Pair creation in localized electromagnetic fields of different spatial extensions, M. Jiang, Q. Z. Lv, Y. Liu, R. Grobe, and Q. Su, Physical Review A 90, (2014), 032101(1-8)
  10. Intense isolated few-cycle attosecond XUV pulses from overdense plasmas driven by tailored laser pulses, Zi Yu Chen, Xiao Ya Li, Li Ming Chen,Yu Tong Li, and Wen Jun Zhu, Optics Express 22 (12), (2014), 14803-14811.
  11. Role of resonance absorption in terahertz radiation generation from solid targets, Chun Li, Yun Qian Cui, Mu Lin Zhou, Fei Du, Yu Tong Li, Wei Min Wang, Li Ming Chen, Zheng Ming Sheng, Jing Long Ma, Xin Lu, and Jie Zhang, Optics Express 22 (10), (2014), 011797-011803.
  12. Generation of quasi-monoenergetic electron beams with small normalized divergences angle from a 2 TW laser facility, D. Z. Li, W. C. Yan, L. M. Chen, K. Huang, Y. Ma, J. R. Zhao, L. Zhang, N. Hafz, W. M. Wang, J. L. Ma, Y. T. Li, Z. Y. Wei, J. Gao, Z. M. Sheng, J. Zhang, Optics Express 22 (11), (2014), 012836-012844.
  13. Three-dimensional fast magnetic reconnection driven by relativistic ultraintense femtosecond lasers, Y. L. Ping, J. Y. Zhong, Z. M. Sheng, X. G. Wang, B. Liu, Y. T. Li, X. Q. Yan, X. T. He, J. Zhang, G. Zhao, Physical Review E 89 (3), (2014),031101(1-5).
  14. Radial Hilbert transform with the spatially variable half-wave plate, Yu-Jing Han, Cheng-Shan Guo, Zhen-Yu Rong, and Li-Ming Chen, Optics Letters 38 (23), (2014), 5169-5171
  15. Angle-dependent modulated spectral peaks of proton beams generated in ultrashort intense laser-solid interactions, L. N. Su, Z. D. Hu, Y. Zheng, M. Liu, Y. T. Li, W. M. Wang, Z. M. Sheng, X. H. Yuan, M. H. Xu, Z. W. Shen, H.T. Fan, L. M. Chen, X. Lu, J. L. Ma, X. Wang, Z. H. Wang, Z. Y. Wei, J. Zhang, Physics of Plasmas 21(9), (2014), 093111(1-6)
  16. Quasimonoenergetic collimated electron beams from a laser wakefield acceleration in low density pure nitrogen, Mengze Tao, Nasr A. M. Hafz, Song Li, Mohammad Mirzaie, Ahmed M. M. Elsied, Xulei Ge, Feng Liu, Thomas Sokollik, Liming Chen, Zhengming Sheng, Jie Zhang, Physics of Plasmas 21(7), (2014), 073102(1-5)
  17. Generation of electron beams from a laser wakefield acceleration in pure neon gas, Song Li, Nasr A. M. Hafz, Mohammad Mirzaie, Ahmed M. M. Elsied, Xulei Ge, Feng Liu, Thomas Sokollik, Mengze Tao, Liming Chen, Min Chen, Zhengming Sheng, Jie Zhang, Physics of Plasmas 21 (8), (2014),083108 (1-5)
  18. Electromagnetic radiation from laser wakefields in underdense plasma, Yue Liu, Wei-Min Wang and Zheng-Ming Sheng, High Power Laser Science and Engineering 2,(2014), e7(1-5).
  19. High order harmonics from relativistic electron spikes, Alexander S Pirozhkov, Masaki Kando, Timur Zh Esirkepov,Pablo Gallegos, Hamad Ahmed, Eugene N Ragozin, Anatoly Ya Faenov, Tatiana A Pikuz, Tetsuya Kawachi, Akito Sagisaka, James K Koga, Mireille Coury, James Green, Peta Foster, Ceri Brenner, Brendan Dromey, Dan R Symes, Michiaki Mori, Keigo Kawase, Takashi Kameshima, Yuji Fukuda, Liming Chen, Izuru Daito, Koichi Ogura, Yukio Hayashi, Hideyuki Kotaki, Hiromitsu Kiriyama, Hajime Okada, Nobuyuki Nishimori, Takashi Imazono, Kiminori Kondo, Toyoaki Kimura, Toshiki Tajima, Hiroyuki Daido, Pattathil Rajeev, Paul McKenna, Marco Borghesi, David Neely, Yoshiaki Kato, Sergei V Bulanov, New Journal of Physics 16, (2014), 093003(1-30).
  20. Intense high repetition rate Mo Kα x-ray source generated from laser solid interaction for imaging application, K. Huang, M. H. Li, W. C. Yan, X. Guo, D.Z. Li, Y. P. Chen,Y. Ma, J. R. Zhao, Y. F. Li, J. Zhang , L. M. Chen, Review of Scientific Instruments 85, (2014), 113304(1-5)
  21. X H Yuan, D C Carroll, J Zheng, J L Liu, R J Gray, C M Brenner, M Coury, L M Chen, Y Fang, O Tresca, B Zielbauer, T Kühl, Y T Li, D Neely, Z M Sheng and P McKenna;The influence of preformed plasma on the surface-guided lateral transport of energetic electrons in ultraintense short laser-foil interactions, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 56, (2014), 055001(1-6)
  22. Effects of target pre-heating and expansion on terahertz radiation production from intense laser-solid interactions, X.H. Yuan, Y. Fang, D.C. Carroll, D.A. MacLellan, F. Du, N. Booth, M. Burza, M. Chen, R.J. Gray, Y.F. Jin, Y.T. Li, Y. Liu, D. Neely, H. Powell, G. Scott, C.-G. Wahlstr¨om, J. Zhang, P. McKenna, and Z.M. Sheng, High Power Laser Science and Engineering 2, (2014), e5(1-5)
  23. Laser pulse propagation and enhanced energy coupling to fast electrons in dense plasma gradients, R J Gray, D C Carroll, X H Yuan, C M Brenner, M Burza, M Coury, K L Lancaster, X X Lin, Y T Li, D Neely, M N Quinn, O Tresca, C-G Wahlström and P McKenna, New Journal of Physics 16 (2014) 113075(1-13)
  24. Proton angular distribution research by a new angle-resolved proton energy spectrometer, Su LuNing, Zheng Yi, Liu Meng, Hu ZhiDan, Wang WeiMin, Yuan XiaoHui, Xu MiaoHua, Sheng ZhengMing, Shen ZhongWei, Fan HaiTao, Li YuTong, Ma JingLong, Lu Xin, Chen LiMing, Wang ZhaoHua, Wei Zhiyi, Zhang Jie, Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronom, doi: 10.1007/s11433-014-5419(1-5),(2014)
  25. 高反射效率高定向性的热解石墨晶体X射线谱仪, 闫文超,苏鲁宁,林晓宣,杜飞,袁大伟, 廖国前,刘成,沈忠伟, 陈黎明,李玉同,马景龙,鲁欣,王瑄,王兆华,魏志义, 盛政明,张杰, 物理学报 63 (17), (2014), 170701(1-5).