1. Plasmoid Ejection and Secondary Current Sheet Generation from Magnetic Reconnection in Laser-Plasma Interaction,Quan-Li Dong, Shou-Jun Wang,Quan-Ming Lu , Can Huang, Da-Wei Yuan, Xun Liu , Xiao-Xuan Lin , Yu-Tong Li , Hui-Gang Wei , Jia-Yong Zhong, Jian-Rong Shi, Shao-En Jiang, Yong-Kun Ding , Bo-Bin Jiang , Kai Du , Xian-Tu He, M.Y. Yu , C. S. Liu, Shui Wang, Yong-Jian Tang, Jian-Qiang Zhu , Gang Zhao,Zheng-Ming Sheng and Jie Zhang, Physical Review Letter 108 (2012) 215001
  2. Magnetic Control of the Pair Creation in Spatially Localized Supercritical Fields, Q. Su, W. Su, Q. Z. Lv, M. Jiang, X. Lu, Z. M. Sheng, and R. Grobe, Physical Review Letter 109, 253202 (2012).
  3. Direct observation of turbulent magnetic fields in hot, dense laser produced plasmas,Sudipta Mondala, V. Narayanan, Wen Jun Ding, Amit D. Lad, Biao Hao, Saima Ahmad, Wei Min Wang, Zheng Ming Sheng, Sudip Sengupta, Predhiman Kaw, Amita Das, and G. Ravindra Kumar, PNAS 109(21),(2012) 8011
  4. Strong terahertz radiation from relativistic laser interaction with solid density plasmas, Y. T. Li, C. Li, M. L. Zhou, W. M. Wang , F. Du , W. J. Ding , X. X. Lin , F. Liu, Z. M. Sheng, X. Y. Peng , L. M. Chen, J. L. Ma, X. Lu , Z. H. Wang , Z. Y. Wei and J. Zhang, Applied Physics Letters 100 (2012) 254101
  5. Upper limit power for self-guided propagation of intense lasers in plasma, Wei-Min Wang, Zheng-Ming Sheng, Ming Zeng, Yue Liu, Zhi-Dan Hu, Shigeo Kawata, Chun-Yang Zheng, Warren B. Mori, Li-Ming Chen, Yu-Tong Li, and Jie Zhang, Applied Physics Letters 101, (2012)184104
  6. Electron acceleration via high contrast laser interacting with submicron clusters, Lu Zhang, Li-Ming Chen, Wei-Ming Wang, Wen-Chao Yan, Da-Wei Yuan, Jing-Yi Mao, Zhao-Hua Wang, Cheng Liu, Zhong-Wei Shen, Anatoly Faenov, Tatiana Pikuz, Da-Zhang Li, Yu-Tong Li, Quan-Li Dong, Xin Lu, Jing-Long Ma, Zhi-Yi Wei, Zheng-Ming Sheng, and Jie Zhang, Applied Physics Letters 100 (2012) 014104
  7. Hai-Wei Du, Min Chen, Zheng-Ming Sheng, Jie Zhang, Hui-Chun Wu, and Wei-Min Wang, THz emission control by tuning density profiles of neutral gas targets during intense laser-gas interaction, Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 181113 (2012).
  8. M. Coury, D. C. Carroll, A. P. L. Robinson, X. H. Yuan, C. M. Brenner, M. Burza, R. J. Gray, M. N. Quinn, K. L. Lancaster, Y. T. Li, X. X. Lin, O. Tresca, C.-G. Wahlstro m, D. Neely, P. McKenna, Influence of laser irradiated spot size on energetic electron injection and proton acceleration in foil targets, Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 074105 (2012).
  9. Wei-Min Wang, Zheng-Ming Sheng, Shigeo Kawata, Chun-Yang Zheng, Yu-Tong Li, Li-Ming Chen, Quan-Li Dong, Xin Lu, Jing-Long Ma, and Jie Zhang, Towards Sub-TeV electron beams driven by ultra-short, ultra-intense laser pulses, Journal of Plasma Physics 78, 461, 2012.
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  11. Characteristics of Plasma Jets in Laser-Driven Magnetic Reconnection, Liu Xun, Li Yutong, Zhong Jiayong, Dong Quanli, Wang Shoujun, Zhang Lei, Zhu Jianqiang, Zhao Gang, Zhang Jie, Plasma Science and Technology 14, (2012) 97
  12. Electromagnetic Emission from Laser Wakefields in Magnetized Underdense Plasmas, Z. D. Hu, Z. M. Sheng, W. J. Ding , W. M. Wang, Q. L. Dong, and J. Zhang, Plasma Science and Technology 14, (2012) 874.
  13. X.X. Lin, Y.T. Li, B.C. Liu, F. Liu, F. Du, S.J. Wang, L.M. Chen, L. Zhang, X. Liu, X.L. Liu, Z.H. Wang, J.L. Ma, X. Lu, Q.L. Dong, W.M. Wang, Z.M. Sheng, Z.Y. Wei and J. Zhang, Directional transport of fast electrons at the front target surface irradiated by intense femtosecond laser pulses with preformed plasma, Laser and Particle Beams 30, 39-43 (2012).
  14. Surface-plasmon-enhanced MeV ions from femtosecond laser irradiated, periodically modulated surfaces, Suman Bagchi, P. Prem Kiran, W. M. Wang, Z. M. Sheng, M. K. Bhuyan, M. Krishnamurthy, and G. Ravindra Kumar, Phycise of Plasmas 19, (2012) 030703.
  15. Relativistic critical density increase and relaxation and high-power pulse propagation, S. M. Weng, P. Mulser, Z. M. Sheng, Phycise of Plasmas 19, (2012) 022705.
  16. Micro focusing of fast electrons with opened cone targets, Feng Liu, Xiaoxuan Liu, Bicheng Liu, Wenjun Ding, Fei Du, Yutong Li, Jinglong Ma, Xiaolong Liu, Zhengming Sheng, Liming Chen, Xin Lu, Quanli Dong, Weimin Wang, Zhaohua Wang, Zhiyi Wei and Jie Zhang, Phycise of Plasmas 19 (2012) 013103
  17. Liu-Bin Feng, Xin Lu, Ting-Ting Xi, Xiao-Long Liu, Yu-Tong Li, Li-Ming Chen, Jing-Long Ma, Quan-Li Dong, Wei-Min Wang, Zheng-Ming Sheng, Duanwei He and Jie Zhang, Numerical studies of third-harmonic generation in laser filament in air perturbed by plasma spot, Phycise of Plasmas 19 (2012)072305.
  18. Formation of jet-like spikes from the ablative Rayleigh-Taylor instability, L. F. Wang, W. H. Ye, X. T. He, W. Y. Zhang, Z. M. Sheng, M. Y. Yu, Phycise of Plasmas 19 (2012)100701
  19. Collisional effects on the oblique instability in relativistic beam-plasma interactions, B. Hao, W. J. Ding, Z. M. Sheng, C. Ren, X. Kong, J. Mu, and J. Zhang, Phycise of Plasmas 19, (2012)072709
  20. Electromagnetic Emission from Laser Wakefields Driven in Magnetized Underdense,Z.D. Hu , Z. M. Sheng, W.J. Ding, W.M. Wang, Q.L. Dong, and J. Zhang, Journal of Plasma Physics 78,(2012)421
  21. Pair creation enhancement due to combined external fields, M. Jiang, W. Su, Z. Q. Lv, X. Lu, Y. J. Li, R. Grobe, and Q. Su, Physical Review A 85, (2012).033408
  22. Suppression of pair creation due to a steady magnetic field, W. Su, M. Jiang, Z. Q. Lv, Y. J. Li, Z. M. Sheng, R. Grobe, Q. Su, Physical Review A 86, 013422 (2012).
  23. Local and nonlocal spatial densities in quantum field theory,R. E. Wagner, M. R. Ware, E. V. Stefanovich,Q. Su,R. Grobe, Physical Review A 85, 022121 (2012).
  24. Non_Perturbative Approach to Bosonic Multi_Pair Creation in Arbitrary External Fields, Q. Su, Y. T. Li, and R. Grobe, Laser Physics 22, (2012)745.
  25. Long lifetime air plasma channel generated by femtosecond laser pulse sequence, Xiao-Long Liu, Xin Lu, Jing-Long Ma, Liu-Bin Feng, Xu-lei Ge, Yi Zheng, Yu-Tong Li, Li-Ming Chen, Quan-Li Dong, Wei-Min Wang, Zhao-Hua Wang, HaoTeng, Zhi-Yi Wei, and Jie Zhang, Optics Express 20 (2012) 5968
  26. Spectrally peaked electron beams produced via surface guiding and acceleration in femtosecond laser-solid interactions, J. Y. Mao, L. M. Chen, X. L. Ge, L. Zhang, W. C. Yan, D. Z. Li, G. Q. Liao, J. L. Ma, K. Huang, Y. T. Li, X. Lu, Q. L. Dong, Z. Y. Wei, Z. M. Sheng, and J. Zhang, Physical Review E 85 (2012) 025401
  27. Application of a transmission crystal x-ray spectrometer to moderate-intensity laser driven sources, J. Y. Mao, L. M. Chen, L. T. Hudson, J. F. Seely, L. Zhang, Y. Q. Sun, X. X. Lin, and J. Zhang, Review of Scientific Instruments 83 (2012) 043104
  28. Two-stage acceleration of protons from relativistic laser-solid interaction, Jin-Lu Liu, Z. M. Sheng, J. Zheng, W. M. Wang, M.Y. Yu, C. S. Liu, W. B. Mori and J. Zhang, Physics Review Special Topics Accelerators Beams 15, (2012)101301.
  29. Proton acceleration by radially polarized chirped laser pulses, Jin-Lu Liu, Z. M. Sheng, J. Zheng, C. S. Liu, and J. Zhang, Physics Review Special Topics Accelerators Beams 15, (2012)041301.
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  31. Enhancement of ion generation in femtosecond ultraintense laser-foil interactions by defocusing, M. H. Xu, Y. T. Li, D. C. Carroll, P. S. Foster, S. Hawkes, S. Kar, F. Liu, K. Markey, P. McKenna, M. J. V. Streeter, C. Spindloe, Z. M. Sheng, C.-G. Wahlstro¨m, M. Zepf, J. Zheng, J. Zhang, and D. Neely, Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, (2012)084101.
  32. Controlled ionization-induced injection by tailoring the gas-density profile in laser wakefield acceleration, M. Zeng, N. A. M. Hafz, K. Nakajima, L.-M. Chen, W. Lu, W. B. Mori, Z.-M. Sheng and J. Zhang, Journal of Plasma Physics 78, (2012)363-371.
  33. Energetic electron generation by magnetic reconnection in laboratory laser-plasma interactions, Q.L. Dong, D.W. Yuan, S.J. Wang, Y. T. Li, X. Liu, S.E. Jiang, Y.K. Ding, K. Du, M.Y. Yu, X.T. He, Y.J. Tang, J.Q. Zhu, G. Zhao, Z.M. Sheng, and J. Zhang, Journal of Plasma Physics, 78, (2012)497.
  34. Polarization of terahertz emission out of incident plane from laser interactions with solid targets, Du Fei, Li Chun, Zhou MuLin, Wang WeiMin, Su LuNing, Zheng Yi,Li YuTong, Ma JingLong, Sheng ZhengMing, Chen LiMing, Lu Xin,Wang ZhaoHua, Wei ZhiYi, Zhang Jie, Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy 55, (2012) 589
  35. Angular distribution of terahertz emission from laser interactions with solid targets, Du Fei, Li Chun, Zhou MuLin, Wang WeiMin, Su LuNing, Zheng Yi,Ge XuLei, Li YuTong, Ma JingLong, Liu XiaoLong, Zhang Lu,Sheng ZhengMing, Chen LiMing, Lu Xin, Dong QuanLi, Wang ZhaoHua, Wei ZhiYi, Zhang Jie, Science China Information Sciences 55, (2012) 43
  36. Single-Shot Measurement of Broad Bandwidth Terahertz Pulses ,Zhou Mu-Lin, Liu Feng, Li Chun, Du Fei, Li Yu-Tong, Wang Wei-Min, Sheng Zheng-Ming, Chen Li-Ming, Ma Jing-Long, Lu Xin, Dong Quan-Li, Zhang Jie, Chinese Physics Letter 29, (2012) 015202
  37. High power terahertz pulses generated in intense laser plasma interactions,Li Yu-Tong, Wang Wei-Min,Li Chun, and Sheng Zheng-Ming,Chinese Physics B 21 (2012) 095203
  38. 超强激光于Ar团簇相互作用中X射线的研究,孙彦乾,陈黎明,张璐,毛婧一,刘峰,李大章,刘成,李伟昌,王兆华,李英骏,魏志义,张杰,物理学报 61(2012)075206
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  40. 飞秒激光离焦抽运熔融石英产生超连续白光的实验研究,冯柳宾,鲁欣,刘晓龙,葛绪雷,马景龙,李玉同,陈黎明,董全力,王伟民,盛政明,贺端威, 张杰, 物理学报 61, (2012)174206.
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  42. 实时离子探测器——塑料闪烁体性能的实验研究, 徐妙华, 李红伟, 刘峰, 刘必成, 杜飞, 张璐, 苏鲁宁, 李英骏, 李玉同, 陈佳洱, 张杰, 物理学报61,(2012)105202.
  43. A 100-TW Ti:Sapphire Laser System at a Repetition Rate of 0.1 Hz , Teng, H ; Ma, JL ; Wang, ZH ; Zheng, Y ; Ge, XL ; Zhang, W ; Wei, ZY ; Li, YT ; Zhang, J, Chinese Physics Letters 29 (2012) 014209
  44. ML Zhou, F Liu, C Li, F Du, YT Li, W M Wang, Z M Sheng, LM Chen, JL Ma, X Lu, QL Dong, J Zhang, Single-Shot Broad Bandwidth Terahertz Pulse Measurement, Plasma Science and Technology 14 (2012) 20
  45. Coury, M., Carroll, D. C., Robinson, A. P. L., Yuan, X. H., Brenner, C. M., Burza, M., Gray, R. J., Quinn, M. N., Lancaster, K. L., Li, Y. T., Lin, X. X., Tresca, O, Influence of laser irradiated spot size on energetic electron injection and proton acceleration in foil targets Applied Physics Letters, 100(7), p 074105, 2012/2/13.